Most of us think of the courage a leader needs as the courage that it takes to Fire someone or to have that really hard conversation with an employee or to make that difficult business decision that is a long shot. Yes that type of courage is the most obvious courage, however the REAL Courage of a leader is not that but is the self reflective courage.
A true leader Leads by example, Leads with self reflection, "takes a step back" to truly see how their decisions are impacting not only the bottom line but the People that are making that project goal real. The True Leader is seeing how they can make themselves better in order for the team to be better.
When a leader sees how they have messed up and authentically and consistantly apologizes to the person, team or vendor this creates a greater respect and longer lasting bonding among the team than any "team building" exercise could ever accomplish.
Be a real person who was given the honor to lead a team. Constantly look for ways to improve your presence and abilities as a leader. This will inspire the members of your team to improve themselves in more ways than you know.