Great morning! Well it didn't started out as a great morning in my head. I woke with some physical soreness, some mental fatigue and yes self doubt (battling the enemy)!
Do you have a "ginormous resource file" to dig into like a tool box to "fix" your state of mind to spring board your day when it starts out less than fantastic??
Good Friday morning! Watching the Presidential debates or the Astros sports team win or loose are common occurrences in many peoples lives. What is crazy is the amount of time and emotional energy we spend debating or better yet JUSTIFYING WHY the Astros lost or won and Why Donald Trump is better than Jeb OR HILLARY.....
Each day over the course of three weeks amongst the packing and moving I asked the question; "Why am I doing this and what will I learn about her and ultimately me"? I asked this question in prayer. I then payed attention to the answers that revealed themselves to me in various ways.
The Super-man' or Super-woman is not just for men. If you remember Superman almost always put himself second. He put himself second to his parents, his boss, Lois Lane and even on the occasion to Jimmy Olson!. Where in you life do you exhibit the 'Superman' behavior? How often do you swoop in to save the day when there is someone in need, feel great about yourself for a short time until there is no one around to save. The little voice comes into your head about being alone, not worthy of quality relationships, I am not good enough, no one loves me, my boss is out to get me.